Sunday, August 16, 2009


Welcome to Bid4Freedom.

Freedom means not being owned. Not by a bank, not by a business, not by the medical industry, or by any other institution.

In this blog we're going to be concentrating on financial freedom. The goal isn't about making a six-figure income or retiring to Tahiti in six months. It's about finding a way to meet your basic financial needs online through multiple recurring sources so that you have choices.

We will explore a variety of ways to make money online, concentrating on methods that, though initially will require a bit of effort, will eventually be low maintenance, allowing us to build multiple streams of income online.

If you then choose to use your freedom to build a better mousetrap so you can retire in Tahiti in 6 months, that's great. Others of you may just want to be able to stay home with your kids, go back to school, or take a year off to read.

Whatever your ultimate goals, freeing yourself from the indentured servitude that most of our lives have become will help you get there.

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